“The podcasts shine a light on the systems we’re constrained by and offer inspiration and hope that we might replace those systems with something focused more on people than it is on profits.“
Since 2020 we’ve been sponsoring the Open Rights Group and are delighted to have done so. Open Rights Group is the UK’s largest grass-roots digital rights campaigning organisation, working to protect everyone’s rights to privacy and free speech online.
For 2024, we’re having a change – and have decided to split our sponsorship between two different organisations we’ve previously engaged with – one of them is The Upstream Podcast.

I came across the the Upstream Podcast a few years ago. If I recall correctly one of their podcasts introduced me to the concept of a Library of Things – one of our projects for Q3 of 2024.
The podcasts – hosted and produced by Della Duncan and Robert Raymond – shine a light on the systems we’re constrained by and offer inspiration and hope that we might – with a little bit of effort and education – replace those systems with something that is focused more on people than it is on profits.
We’d recommend their podcast to anyone and hope our small donation goes some way to keeping the podcast alive.
Oh – if you listen to one of their podcasts and you recognise the music – it’s because they let use use their theme as our hold music back in December 2022 – thanks again Della and Robert!