Office 2024 and Mixed Office Versions

To get the best value out of new software we recommend you take up the new version of office as you get new devices,.

Hot on the heels of our article about Microsoft Office 2024, it’s important to bring your attention to some important considerations regarding running the latest software and having mixed versions of Office in your organisation.

Cautions for Running the Latest Software

  • Compatibility – The newest version may not be fully compatible with older file formats or third-party add-ins.
  • Learning Curve – New features and interface changes can temporarily reduce productivity as staff adapt.
  • Stability – Early versions may have undiscovered bugs or performance issues that could impact your work.
  • Support Challenges – New products mean we need time to become familiar with new features and potential issues.
  • Performance – Older devices may not be powerful enough to run the latest software.

Risks of Running Mixed Office Versions

  • Compatibility – Newer versions may create files that can’t be opened or fully edited in older versions.
  • Collaboration – Features available in newer versions may not work when collaborating with users of older versions.
  • Inconsistent Experience – Training and support can be more complex when different users have different interfaces.


  • Test Before Full Deployment – We can’t be 100% sure whether the new software will cause problems until it’s deployed in your specific environment. If you use perpetual versions of Office, we recommend you ask us to set up a test in your environment on one device.
  • Gradual Upgrade Approach – To maximise the value of new software while minimising disruption, consider upgrading to the new version of Office as you acquire new devices. We’ll offer the latest version with new laptops and desktops by default.
  • Option for Older Versions – If you prefer to purchase older licensed versions, this option is still available. Please inform us of your preference when making a purchase.

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